Like all of you, we are carefully monitoring the information regarding the Coronavirus (COVID-19). The health and safety of our patients, their families and our team is our top priority. Our hearts go out to all who have been affected.As a healthcare provider and your partner in Oral Health, we are committed to taking all necessary steps to keep us all healthy.In light of growing concerns surrounding COVID-19 and to further protect our patients and team, below are a few of the precautionary measures we are reinforcing and implementing in our office:
Sanitation and cleanliness:
While the threat from COVID-19 is new, we have always been committed to safe, sterile practice with universal precautions.
Our Practice already has topnotch sterilization and infection control measures in place and this will continue.

Additionally, we will be increasing the frequency of disinfecting common surfaces in our offices.
Monitoring team member health: If any of our team members experience any flu-like symptoms, they have been asked to stay home.
Our doctors and team members will avoid unnecessary personal contact and will refrain from handshaking, hugs, etc.
Screening the health of our patients:
While the threat from COVID-19 is new, we have always been committed to a safe, sterile practice with universal precautions. Our practice already has topnotch sterilization and infection control measures in place and this will continue. Additionally, we will be increasing the frequency of disinfecting common surfaces in our offices.
- Monitoring team member health: If any of our team members experience any flu-like symptoms, they have been asked to stay home. Our doctors and team members will avoid unnecessary personal contact and will refrain from handshaking, hugs, etc.
- Screening the health of our patients: To ensure the safety of everyone in the Practice, we will begin additional patient screening in the office including advanced questions about your health and measurement of symptoms.
- Advanced hygiene practices: Our team has been provided additional training on good hygiene practices and wellness efforts such as frequent hand washing, the use of hand sanitizers and avoiding close contact with anyone who has a fever or cough. Additionally, we are monitoring recommendations and changes to the CDC (Center for Disease Control) guidelines. We will keep our hand soaps and paper towels well stocked so that our team and our patients/families can hand wash more frequently.
- Limiting Visitors: Solo appointments are the safest. Minimize the number of individuals you bring with you to your appointment. Multiple family members may be asked to wait outside or in the car

Please contact the office to reschedule your appointment and do NOT come to your appointment if you, your child OR any family members living in the same home:
- Are actively sick or experiencing symptoms such as cough, fever over 100.4 degrees, difficulty breathing, or other flu-like symptoms.
- Have recently been ill and have been symptom-free for less than two weeks.
- Have traveled outside the United States in the past two weeks.
- Have a history of high blood pressure, diabetes, or chronic lung disease, or know that you have a weak or compromised immune system.
Are over the age of 60 and are at high risk with COVID-19.
Additionally, do not bring other children or family members to appointments that are sick or have recently been sick (again, symptom-free for less than two weeks). Any patient/family that needs to cancel due to the above guidelines will not be subject to cancellation penalties. As we continue to monitor this situation, we will be flexible and make changes as needed to keep our patients, our team, and our communities safe. We will continue to keep you informed as we overcome these challenges together. Please do not hesitate to reach out to us with any questions.
Thank You
Rutherford Family and Children’s Dentistry